The Treasury of Lives

Samten Chhosphel earned his PhD from CIHTS in India where he served as the head of Publication Dept. for 26 years. He has a Master’s degree in Writing and Publishing from Emerson College, Boston. Currently he is an adjunct Assistant Professor at the City University of New York, and Language Associate in Columbia University, NY.

Published April 2011


Helmut Eimer and Pema Tsering. 1982. A List of Abbots of Kah-thog Monastery According to Handwritten Notes by the Late Katok Ontul; an article in the Journal of the Tibet Society, pp. 11-14.

'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan. 1996. Rgyal ba kaH thog pa’i lo rgyus mdor bsdus. Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 91-92.

Ronis, Jann. 2007. “Celibacy, Revelations, and Reincarnated Lamas: Contestation and Synthesis in the Growth of Monasticism at Katok Monastery from the 17th through 19th Centuries.” Ph.D. thesis, University of Virginia, pp. 80-81.