The Treasury of Lives

Alexander Gardner is Director and Chief Editor of the Treasury of Lives. He completed his PhD in Buddhist Studies at the University of Michigan in 2007. He is the author of The Life of Jamgon Kongtrul The Great.

Published March 2022


Blo bzang tshul khrims byams pa rgya mtsho. N.d. Lhar bcas srid bzhi'i gtsug rgyan rgyal mchog ngur smrig 'chang ba bcu gnyis pa chen po'i rnam par thar pa rgya mtsho lta bu las mdo tsam brjod pa dwangs shel me long. Lhasa: Dga' ldan pho brang.

Hartley, Lauran Ruth. 1997. "A socio-historical study of the Kingdom of Sde-dge (Derge, Kham) in the late Nineteenth Century: Ris-med Views of Alliance and Authority." M.A., Indiana University.

'Jam mgon kong sprul yon tan rgya mtsho. 1973. Phyogs med ris med kyi bstan pa la 'dun shing dge sbying gi gzugs brnyan 'chang ba blo gros mtha' yas kyi sde'i byung ba brjod pa nor bu sna tshogs mdog can. Bir: Tibetan Khampa Industrial Society. TBRC W20880. See also TBRC W23723.

Petech, Luciano. 1973. Aristocracy and Government in Tibet: 1728-1959. Serie Orientale Roma, vol. XLV. Roma: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.

Rockhill, William Woodville. 1891. "Tibet, A Geographical, Ethnographical, and Historical Sketch Derived from Chinese Sources." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, New Series 23.

Shakabpa, W. D. 2009. One Hundred Thousand Moons: An Advanced Political History of Tibet. Derek Maher, translator. Leiden: Brill.

Tsering Shakya. 2005. "The Thirteenth Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso." In Brauen, Martin, ed. The Dalai Lamas: A Visual History. London: Serindia, pp. 137-161.

Yudru Tsomo. 2015. The Rise of Gönpo Namgyel in Kham: The Blind Warrior of Nyarong. Lanham: Lexington Books.