The Treasury of Lives

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The Tantric College at Rongwo, one of three colleges at the monastery, was established by the Second Rongwo Drubchen, Ngawang Trinle Gyatso in 1734.


Gyurme Dorje. 2009. Tibet Handbook. Bath: Footprint, p. 727.

Gruschke, Andreas. 2001. The Cultural Monuments of Tibet's Outer Provinces, Volume 1, the Qinghai Part of Amdo. Bangkok: White Lotus Press, pp. 51-54.

Abbots & Officers


Abbot ngag dbang grags pa -
Abbot Bipa Mipam Dawa -
Abbot blo bzang rgya mtsho -
Abbot dge 'dun mkhyen rab -
Abbot Jigme Lungrik Gyatso -
Abbot blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan -
Abbot dge 'dun mkhas mchog -
Abbot dge 'dun bstan pa rab rgyas -
Abbot ngag dbang dge 'dun don yod -
Abbot blo bzang mkhas mchog -
Abbot dge 'dun 'jigs med rnam rgyal -
Abbot blo bzang dpal ldan -
Abbot Ngawang Trinle Gyatso 1734 -
Abbot ngag dbang dge 'dun bstan 'dzin 1770 -
Abbot dge 'dun mkhas grub 1780 -


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