The Treasury of Lives

Janglingpa Tashi Gyeltsen (byang gling pa rin chen bkra shis rgyal mtshan) was a fifteenth century Sakya master. The Gyude Kuntu (rgyud sde kun 'tus) lists him in a lineage of the Dākārnava Tantra, which is depicted in the painting from which the image here is drawn. He received it from Jamyang Khyentse Wangchuk ('jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug, 1524-1568) and passed it on to Muchen Namkha Pelzang (mus chen nam mkha' dpal bzang, d.u.).

He is also listed in the lineage of the transmission of the Kālacakra in the Zhalu (zhwa lu) tradition. He studied with the First Choje Trichen Khyenrab Rinchen Chokdrub (bco brgyad khri chen 01 mkhyen rab rin chen mchog grub, 1436-1497), and Chetsun Sonam Chokdrub (lce btsun bsod nams mchog grub, 1468-1538).

Among his students were the fifteenth abbot of Ngor Ewaṃ Choden (ngor e waM chos ldan), Kunga Sonam Lhundrub (kun dga' bsod nams lhun grub, 1571-1642), and Choje Kunga Tashi (chos rje kun dga' bkra shis, d.u.).

Alexander Gardner is Director and Chief Editor of the Treasury of Lives. He completed his PhD in Buddhist Studies at the University of Michigan in 2007. He is the author of The Life of Jamgon Kongtrul The Great.

Published May 2010


Sanggye Sengge

Sanggye Sengge, the eleventh throne holder of Ngor Ewam Monastery.
