The Treasury of Lives

Damcho Wozer was born in Minyak, possibly in 1908. He entered the religious life at Lhagang Monastery (lha sgang dgon) and transferred to Ngor Monastery (ngor) while still a young man, making a pilgrimage around the region during his time in central Tibet.

He studied at Khamshe (khams bye), the monastic college of Dzongsar Monastery (rdzong sar), for eight years, serving for four years as teaching assistant, under the sixth abbot, Khangmar Rinchen Dorje (khang dmar rin chen rdo rje), and the seventh, Dosib Tubten Gyeltsen (thub bstan rgyal mtshan, 1902–1971).

He received the two Lamdre transmissions from Jamyang Chokyi Lodro ('jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros, 1893–1959).

After completing his studies he went home to Minyak but returned in 1951 when Chokyi Lodro requested he take the abbot’s chair. He served until 1955. His students there included Pewar Tulku Chime (dpe war sprul sku 'chi med, b. 1933); T. G. Dhongthog Rinpoche (gdong thog rin po che, 1933–2015), and Namkhai Norbu (nam mkha'i nor bu, 1938–2018).

Following his tenure he once again returned to Lhagang and established a college there.

Damcho Wozer died in Minyak in the 1960s.


Publication of this biography was made possible through support of National Endowment for the Humanities.

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Additional Bios Sponsored By National Endowment for the Humanities

Alexander Gardner is Director and Chief Editor of the Treasury of Lives. He completed his PhD in Buddhist Studies at the University of Michigan in 2007. He is the author of The Life of Jamgon Kongtrul The Great.

Published May 2022


Blo gros phun tshogs. 1992. “Khams bye bshad grwaʼi lo rgyus mdo tsam brjod pa.” In Krung goʼi bod kyi shes rig, vol. 18, pp. 122–34. Beijing: Krung goʼi bod kyi shes rig dus deb khang.

Rdzong sar mkhan phun tshogs rnam rgyal. 2006. Rdzong sar mkhan padma dam chos kyi mdzad rnam mdor bsdus dad gsum utpal gsar paʼi snye ma. Rdzong sar: Rdzong sar khams byeʼi slob grwa. BDRC W1PD108087.
