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In addition to the teachers listed above, Choktrul also studied with Yakshul Khenpo Lodro (yag shul mkhan po blo gros, d.u.), Apang Terton Pawo Choying Dorje (a pang gter ston dpa' bo chos dbyings rdo rje, 1895-1945), Terse Dorje Dradul (gter sras rdo rje dgra 'dul, 1891-1959), Katok Khenpo Lekshe Jorden (kaH thog mkhan po legs bshad 'byor ldan, d.u.), Amchok Jamyang Khyenrab Gyatso (a mchog 'jam dbyangs mkhyen rab rgya mtsho, 1903-1958), and many others ...
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