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... She trained in both exoteric and esoteric Buddhist studies of the Bodong tradition under the Second Jorra Chetsang, Trinle Gyatso (sbyor ra che tshang 02 'phrin las rgya mtsho), who was also a teacher of her previous incarnation, and Drogon Pema Trinle ('gro gmon pad+ma 'phrin las). ...
Read more from the biography of Chodron Wangmo
... Her father was named Tenzin Dorje (bstan 'dzin rdo rje) and her mother was named Peldzom Butri (dpal 'dzoms bu 'khrid).[1]
Trinle Gyatso, the Second Jorra Chetsang (sbyor ra 02 'phrin las rgya mtsho) identified her as the reincarnation of the Fifth Samding Pakmo, Kacho Yeshe Tsomo (bsam sding phag mo 05 mkha' spyod ye shes mtsho mo) ...
Read more from the biography of Dechen Trinle Tsomo