The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 2 biographies.

... He went into retreat at the Drigung retreat center of Terdrom (gter sgrom) until his death in either 1399 or 1407.

Among his main disciples were Lapchi Namkha Gyeltsen (la phyi nam mkha' rgyal mtshan, 1372-1437), Mangom Wozer Sengge (sman sgom 'od zer seng ge, d.u.), Sabzang Pakpa Zhonnu Lodro (sa bzang 'phags pa gzhon nu blo gros, 1358-1412/1424), Drigung Lotsāwa Maṇikaśrījñāna ('bri gung lo tsA ba Ma Ni ka shrI dzA na, 1289-1363), and Tsongkhapa Lobzang Drakpa (tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa, 1357-1419), who traveled to Drigung to receive teachings from him. ...

Read more from the biography of Chokyi Gyelpo

... Lapchi Namkha Gyeltsen (la phyi nam mkha' rgyal mtshan, 1372-1437) led the ceremony serving as abbot (mkhan po), and was assisted by Lobpon Rinpoche Gyeltsen (slob dpon rin po che rgyal mtshan) serving as ācārya ...

Read more from the biography of Dondrub Gyelpo