The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 1 biography.

She also exchanged teachings with several well-known figures, including the Dzogchen master Traktung Jigme Dorje (khrag 'thung 'jigs med rdo rje, 17th century) Katok Zhabdrung Gyurme Zhenpen Wangpo (kaH tog zhabs drung 'gyur med gzhan phan dbang po) the Second Dzogchen Drubwang, Gyurme Tekchok Tendzin ('gyur med theg mchog bstan 'dzin, 1699-1758), and her brother, the Third Minling Trichen, Rinchen Namgyel (smin gling khri chen rin chen rnam rgyal, 1694-1768). ...

Read more from the biography of Mingyur Peldron