The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 1 biography.

... Just before passing away, his last words to his son were that he should receive whatever was left to be taught and transmitted from Konchok Gyelpo (dkon mchog rgyal po), the man who would become his root guru

Additional teachers included: Jampa Sonam Zangpo, the thirtieth abbot of Ngor (ngor mkhan chen 30 byams pa bsod nams bzang po, 1689-1749); Ngawang Kunga (ngag dbang kun dga'); Drubwang Sonam Chopel (grub dbang bsod nams chos 'phel); the tenth abbot of Nalendra, Ngawang Khyentse Rabten (ngag dbang mkhyen brtse rab brtan); Ngawang Tendzin Puntsok (ngag dbang bstan 'dzin phun tshogs); the Nyingma teacher Choter Lingpa Ngawang Kunzang Rangdrol (chos gter gling pa ngag dbang kun bzang rang grol); Taktse Jampa Lhawang Ridzin (stag rtse byams pa lha dbang rig 'dzin); and Konchok Gyelpo (dkon mchog rgyal po), to name only a few. ...

Read more from the biography of Sonam Rinchen