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... Later, in 1926, after the Tibetans had retaken Labrang and Maqi again attacked, Jigme Trinle Gyatso is said to have remained at Labrang and organized the monks to perform rituals to protect the monastery, and he also negotiated with Maqi to refrain from harming the monastery.
At the age of seventy-four Jigme Trinle Gyatso encouraged Jigme Gyatso ('jigs med rgya mtsho, d.u.), later a teacher of the Tenth Paṇchen Lama Lobzang Trinle Lhundrub Chokyi Gyeltsen (paN chen 10 blo bzang phrin las lhun grub chos kyi rgyal mtshan, 1938-1989) and Konchok Samdrub (dkon mchog bsam grub, d.u.), later a teacher of the Sixth Jamyang Zhepa, Jamyang Lobzang Jigme Tubten Chokyi Nyima ('jam dbyangs bzhad pa 06 'jam dbyangs blo bzang 'jigs med thub bstan chos kyi nyi ma, b ...
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... He had at least one sister, Demochok Tso (bde mchog 'tsho).
He learned to read and write from his father and from his uncle, Je Lobzang Choden Pel Zangpo (rje blo bzang chos ldan dpal bzang bo, d.u.), who previously served as abbot at Ngayul Gomang Mawai Sengge Ling, and was later abbot at Muge Tashi Khorlo (dmu dge'i bkra shis 'khor lo), which had been founded by Tsakho Ngawang Drakpa (tsha kho ngags dbang drags pa, d.u.)
When he turned eleven, with the encouragement of his grandfather, Sotar (bsod tar, d.u.) and uncle, Kongchok Dechen (dkon mchog bde chen, d.u.), he took novice ordination at Muge Tashi Khorlo from the Third Ponla, Lobzang Tenpai Nyima (dpon bla 03 blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma, 1895-1941), who gave him the name Lobzang Samten (blo bzang bsam gtan).
At Muge Tashi Khorlo Monastery, under the instruction of Geshe Konchok Gendun (dge bshes dkon mchog dge 'dun, d.u.) and his uncle Lobzang Choden Pel, until the age of nineteen he studied various of Buddhist texts such as the Collected Topics (bsdus grwa) literature, the Root Text on Tenets (grub mtha rtsa ba) and the Treatment on the Stages and Paths (sa lam rnam bzhag), of the Second Jamyang Zhepa, and the Prajñāpāramitā.
At the age of twenty he enrolled in Geluk monastic university of Labrang Tashikhyil (bla brang bkra shis 'khyil), studying sutra and tantra under Gyamkho Tulku (rgyam kho sprul sku, d.u.), Konchok Samdrub (dkon mchog bsam grub, d.u.), Jamyang Lekshe ('jam dbyangs legs bshad, d.u.), Jigme Damcho Gyatso ('jigs med dam chos rgya mtsho, 1849-1946), and Ngo Lama Lago (dngos bla ma bla go, 1866-1894) for nine years, ultimately earning a Geshe Dorampa (dge bshes rdo ram ba) degree. ...
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