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... Consequently, in 1644, Gushri Khan's troops, supported by the Kyisho Depa, Choje Tendzin Lobzang Gyatso (skyid shod sde pa chos rje bstan 'dzin blo bzang rgya mtsho, 1593-1638), surrounded the encampment. ...
Read more from the biography of Choying Dorje
... He learned both sūtra and tantra traditions from thirty-three masters, including Choje Tendzin Lobzang Gyatso (chos rje bstan 'dzin blo bzang rgyal mtsho, 1593-1638) and Tsultrim Gyatso (tshul khrims rgya mtsho). ...
Read more from the biography of Shar Kelden Gyatso