The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 5 biographies.

... Among his important disciples were the Seventh Karmapa, Chodrak Gyatso (karma pa 07 chos grags rgya mtsho, 1454-1506); the Fourth Zhamar, Chodrak Yeshe (zhwa dmar 04 chos grags ye shes, 1453-1524); Trimkhang Lotsāwa Sonam Gyatso (khrims khang lo tsA ba bsod nams rgya mtsho, 1424-1482); Minyakpa Dorje Sengge (mi nyag pa rdo rje seng+ge, b.1462); the Second Drukchen, Kunga Peljor ('brug chen 02 kun dga' dpal 'byor, 1428-1476); and Dzongchungpa Jampa Dorje Gyeltsen (rdzong chung pa byams pa rdo rje rgyal mtshan, 1424-1498). ...

Read more from the biography of Go Lotsāwa Zhonnu Pel

According to Katok Situ, Khyentse Chenmo was also involved in painting murals from 1473 to 1474 at the great stūpa of Dra Jampaling (grwa byams pa gling), a Geluk institution in Dranang built under the patronage of Jampalingpa Sonam Namgyel (byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal, 1400–1475) and completed by Lotsāwa Sonam Gyatso (lo tsA ba bsod nams rgya mtsho, 1424–1482).[12] The stūpa was heavily damaged in the 1960s during the Cultural Revolution. In the 1470s Khyentse Chenmo was commissioned by the translator Trimkhang Lotsāwa Sonam Gyatso (khrims khang lo tsA ba bsod nams rgya mtsho, 1424–1482) to paint a portrait of his teacher, Vanaratna (c.1384–1468) ...

Read more from the biography of Khyentse Chenmo

... Among his teachers were Tsondu Bum (brtson 'grus 'bum, d.u.), who was a direct disciple of Drubchen Namkha Gyeltsen (lho brag grub chen nam mkha' rgyal mtsan, 1326-1401, one of the tantric masters of Tsongkhapa; Jangsem  Shakya Rinchen Pel (byang sems shA kya rin chen dpal, d.u.), Gyelse Sharlungpa (rgyal sras shar lung pa, d.u.), Trukhang Lotsāwa Sonam Gyatso (khrus khang lo rtsA ba bsod nams rgya mtsho, 1424-1482), and his elder brother, Drungpa Jamyang Zhonnu. ...

Read more from the biography of Pakpa Dechen Dorje

... Another disciple, Trimkhang Lotsāwa Sonam Gyatso (khrims khang lo tsā ba bsod nams rgya mtsho), a man whose family controlled the Trimkhang Temple (khrims khang gling) at Samye (bsam yas), would serve as a translator during Vanaratna's third journey, and composed a continuation of the biography ...

Read more from the biography of Vanaratna

... Lotsāwa Sonam Gyatso (khrus khang lo tsA ba bsod nams rgya mtsho, 1424-1482); Go Lotsāwa Zhonnu Pel ('gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal, 1392-1481); Tsultrim Gyeltsen (rdza yig pa kun mkhyen tshul khrims rgyal mtshan) also received transmissions from him. ...

Read more from the biography of Kunkyong Lingpa