The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 3 biographies.

... His other students included Nyakla Pema Dudul (nyag bla pad+ma bdud 'dul, 1816-1872); the Third Drime Zhingkyong, Jigme Yonten Gonpo (dri med zhing skyong 03 'jigs med yon tan mgon po, 1837-1898); the Third Nyingon Choktrul, Zhenpen Dorje (nyin dgon mchog sprul 03 gzhan phan rdo rje, d.u.); Tromge Dongak Tendzin (khrom dge mdo sngags bstan 'dzin, d.u.), and Dzaka Sonam Pelden (dzaH ka bsod nams dpal ldan, d.u.). ...

Read more from the biography of Choying Rangdrol

... The family had two more sons who were tulkus, one of whom was Jigme Do-ngak Tenzin ('jigs med mdo sngags bstan 'dzin), an emanation of Sachen Sonam Tsemo (sa chen bsod nams rtse mo) ...

Read more from the biography of Tromge Tulku Arik

At the age of eleven he went to Tromge Monastery (khrom dge dgon) and received the teaching tradition of Longsel Nyingpo (klong gsal snying po, 1625-1692) from Tromge Choktrul Jigme Dongak Tendzin (khrom dge mchog sprul 'jigs med mdo ngag bstan 'dzin, d.u.), who was the uncle of Tromge Arik Tulku (khrom dge a rig sprul sku) ...

Read more from the biography of Jazi Amnye Drodul Pema Garwang Lingpa