The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 2 biographies.

... Thereafter, on the death of his teacher, Hortsun undertook yet another pilgrimage tour of central Tibet, visiting Samye (bsam yas) and Bon monasteries such as Dritsam Takar ('bri mtshams mtha' dkar), a treasure site of Shenchen Luga (gshen chen klu dga', 995-1035); Tanak Dungpor (rta nag dung phor); and Yeru Kharna (g.yas ru mkhar sna), ending at Tashi Menri (bkra shis sman ri), where he received teachings from the abbot Gyelwa Lodro (rgyal ba blo gros) ...

Read more from the biography of Hortsun Tenzin Lodro Gyatso

Lodro Gyeltsen preserved and diffused many cycles of teachings revealed by Shenchen Luga (gshen chen klu dga', 996-1035), Nyenthing, also known as Sherab Sengge (gnyan 'thing; shes rab seng ge, 11th c.), Khutsa Dawo (khu tsha zla 'od, b ...

Read more from the biography of Azha Lodro Gyeltsen