The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 4 biographies.

... The Seventh Demo, Ngawang Jampel Delek Gyatso (de mo 07 ngag dbang 'jam dpal bde legs rgya mtsho, d ...

Read more from the biography of Jampel Gyatso

In 1770 the Seventh Demo Rinpoche (de mo 07, d ...

Read more from the biography of Kunzang Dechen Gyelpo

... Among other important disciples were the Eighth Dalai Lama, Gyelwa Jampel Gyatso (rgyal ba 'jam dpal rya tsho, 1758–c.1804); the Sixth Paṇchen Lama, Lobzang Pelden Yeshe (paN chen bla ma 03 blo bzang dpal ldan ye shes, 1738-1780); the Seventh Demo Rinpoche, Ngawang Jampel Delek Gyatso, who was the first Regent of Tibet (rgyal tshab de mo rin po che sku khreng 07, ngag dbang 'jam dpal bde legs rgya mtsho, d.1777); the Sixth Pakpa Lha, Jigme Tenpai Gyatso ('phags pa lha 06 'phags pa 'jigs med bstan pa'i rgya mtsho, 1714-1754); the Fourth Zhiwa Lha, Pakpa Gelek Gyeltsen (zhi ba lha 04 'phags pa dge legs rgyal mtshan, 1720-1799); the Sixth Chakra, Ngawang Trinle Pelzang (lcags ra 06 ngag dbang 'phrin las dpal bzang, 1730-1794); Tsechoklingpa Yongdzin Yeshe Gyeltsen (tshe mchog gling pa yongs 'dzin ye shes rgyal mtshan, 1713-1793); the Second Jamyang Zhepa, Konchok Jigme Wangpo ('jam dbyangs bzhad pa 02 dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po, 1728-1791); the Third Tubkwan, Lobzang Chokyi Nyima (thu'u bkwan 03 blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, 1737-1802); the Third Changkya, Rolpai Dorje (lcang skya 03 rol pa'i rdo rje, 1717-1786); the Second Kondor Tulku, Lobzang Wangchuk (dkon rdor sprul sku 02 blo bzang dbang phyug, 1789-1758); the Sixty-seventh Ganden Tripa, Jamyang Monlam (dga' ldan khri 62 'jam dbyang smon lam, 1729-1798); and Arik Geshe Jampa Wozer (a rig dge bshes byams pa 'od zer, 1728-1803). ...

Read more from the biography of Ngawang Jampa

... The reins of government were assumed by a regent, the Seventh Demo Jampel Delek Gyatso (de mo 07 'jam dpal bde legs rgya mtsho, 1723-1777) ...

Read more from the biography of Kelzang Gyatso