Marlene Erschbamer
is an independent scholar who holds a PhD in Buddhist Studies from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich. Her research interests include the Barawa Kagyu tradition, Sikkim Studies, Tibetan Buddhism and the role of gender, and the intersection of religion, nature, and culture in the Tibetan Cultural Area.
'Dzi sgar mkhan chen phrin las rdo rje. 2013.Don brgyud dpal ldan 'brug pa'i mkhas grub bla ma rgya mtsho'i rnam thar legs bshad nor bu'i gter mdzod, vol. 1, pp. 164–165. Mkhan po bshad sgrub bstan 'dzin, editor. Kathmandu: Khenpo Shedup Tenzin.
Erschbamer, Marlene. 2017.The 'Ba'-ra-ba bKa'-brgyud-pa: Historical and Contemporary Studies. Vienna: WSTB, p. 248.
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