'Jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas. 2007.Yongs 'dzin ngag dbang grags pa. InRin chen gter mdzod chen mo, vol. 1, p. 617. New Delhi: Shechen. TBRC W1KG14.
Kun bzang nges don klong yangs. 1976 (1882).Rnying ma'i skyes mchog rim byon gyi rnam thar. Dalhousie: Damchoe sangpo, f. 150v. ff.
Ngag dbang grags pa. 1985.Ngag dbang grags pa'i rnam thar ngo mtshar nor bu'i do shal. InThe Collected Works of Ngag dbang grags pa, pp. 13-232. Thimphu: National Library of Bhutan. TBRC W22192.
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