The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 3 biographies.

... At that time, Lotsāwa Neten Lek Gyelwa (lo tsa ba gnas brtan legs rgyal ba), a student of Nartang Lotsāwa Sanghaśrī (snar thang lo tsA ba san+g+ha shrI), resided at Zhalu and Chokyong Zangpo asked the lotsāwa to teach him Sanskrit ...

Read more from the biography of Chokyong Zangpo

... His Sakya teachers included Sheja Kunrik Shakya Gyeltsen (shes bya kun rig shAkya rgyal mtshan, 1367-1449) and Nartang Lotsāwa Sangha Shri (snar thang lo tsA ba sang+g+ha shrI, d.u.), with whom he studied Sanskrit ...

Read more from the biography of Go Lotsāwa Zhonnu Pel

In the Select Famous Persons in Tibetan History (gang ljongs lo rgyus thog gi grags can mi sna), Taktsang is also called the direct disciple of the famed literary and Sanskrit scholar Nartang Lotsāwa Sanghaśrī (snar thang lo tsA ba san+g+ha shrI, 14th/15th c.), although it is not clear when they would have met ...

Read more from the biography of Taktsang Lotsāwa Sherab Rinchen