
Avalokiteśvara Jinasagara with Kagyu Masters
Avalokiteśvara Jinasagara is depicted at center with meditation deities immediately surrounding: Hayagrīva (left), Guhyajñāna (right), Siddharajni (center top), Mahākāla (center bottom). On the uppermost level is Milarepa on the left, Marpa in the center, and Gampopa on the right.

Cakrasamvara with the footprints of Drigungpa Rinchen Pel.
Chakrasamvara, Sahaja Heruka, with the footprints of Drigungpa Rinchen Pel.

Drukpa Kagyu and Kagyu Lineages
Eighteenth century thangka of Drukpa Kagyu and Kagyu lineage masters.

Karma Kagyu Refuge Field
Karma Kagyu Field of Accumulation painting with the Fifteenth Karmapa, Kakyab Dorje, as the last lineage holder at the time of the compositions creation.

Pema Karpo
This 19th Century painting from Bhutan shows Pema Karpo surrounded by deities and Buddhist masters Marpa, Milarepa, and Marpa. The primordial buddha Vajradhara is pictured above the central figure.
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