The Treasury of Lives

Alexander Gardner is Director and Chief Editor of the Treasury of Lives. He completed his PhD in Buddhist Studies at the University of Michigan in 2007. He is the author of The Life of Jamgon Kongtrul The Great.

Published January 2024


Brtse byang spen pa dbang 'dus. 2005. "Gong dkar rdo rje gdan gyi ldebs bris kyi don snying dang da lta'i gnas babs skor la rags tsam gleng ba." Bod ljongs zhib 'jug, no. 94, pp. 105–109.

Brtse byang spen pa dbang 'dus. 2010. "Gong dkar sgang stod mkhyen brtse chen mo dge bsnyen rnam par rgyal ba dang mkhyen lugs kyi khyad chos skor rags tsam gleng ba." Journal of Tibet University no. 4, pp. 112–117.

Fermer, Mathias, Losal Dondup, and Jampal Gawa. 2024. The Gongkar Lamdre: Masters in Khyenluk Style. Dehradun: Gongkar Choede.

Jackson, David P. 1996. A History of Tibetan Painting: The Great Painters and Their Traditions. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Jackson, David P. 1997. "Chronological Notes on the Founding Masters of Tibetan Painting Traditions." In Tibetan Art: Towards a Definition of Style, edited by Jane Casey Singer and Philip Denwood, 254–261. London: Laurence King.

Jackson, David P. 2016. A Revolutionary Artist of Tibet: Khyentse Chenmo of Gonkar. New York: Rubin Museum of Art.

Jackson, David. 2017. "The Smin grol gling Lamdre Sculptures Reconsidered." In Fifteenth Century Tibet: Cultural Blossoming and Political Unrest. Proceedings of a Conference Held in Lumbini, Nepal March 2015. Volker Caumanns and Marta Sernesi, editors. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute, pp. 173–194.

Luo Wenhua罗文华and Gesang Qupei格桑曲培. 2015.Gongga Qudesi bihua: Zangchuan fojiao meishu shi de licheng bei贡嘎曲德寺壁画:藏传佛教美术史的里程碑. Beijing: Gugong chubanshe.

Rdo rje rin chen. 2021. "Mkhyen rtse chen mo'i kye rdor ldebs ris." Bod brgyud nang bstan sgyu rtsal zhib 'jug, vol. 2, pp. 49–64.

Tsechang Penba Wangdu. 2012. "A Study of mKhyen brtse chen mo dge bsnyen rnam rgyal, his mural paintings at Gong dkar chos sde and the mKhyen lugs school of Tibetan painting." In The Arts of Tibetan Painting: Recent Research on Manuscripts, Murals and Thangkas of Tibet, the Himalayas and Mongolia (11th–19th century). Proceedings of the Twelfth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies [IATS], Vancouver, 2010. Asian Art. (This is a translation of Brtse byang spen pa dbang 'dus 2010).

Tsechang Penba Wangdu, translated by Tenzin Gelek. 2023. "Murals of Gongkar Chode: Reexamining Khyentse Chenmo and His Painting Tradition." In Project Himalayan Art, Rubin Museum of Art.