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Among the men who studied with him were Chomden Rigpai Reltri (bcom ldan rig pa'i ral gri, 1227-1305); Pakpa Lodro Gyeltsen ('phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan, 1235-1280); Kyoton Monlam Tsultrim (skyo ston smon lam tshul khrims, 1219-1299), who served as the eighth abbot of Nartang; Drakpa Sherab (grags pa shes rab, 1259-1325), who served as the eleventh abbot of Nartang; and Khetsun Sonam Yeshe (mkhas btsun bsod nams ye shes, d.u.). ...
Read more from the biography of Chim Namkha Drak