The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 2 biographies.

... According to Dhongthog Rinpoche (gdong thog rin po che, 1934–2015), this activity began when Gepel Tulku was departing at the end of a visit with Drakkar Tulku at Dongtok Monastery (gdong thog dgon) ...

Read more from the biography of Gepel Tulku Jamyang Kunga Chokyi Nyima

... She gave Namkhai Norbu multiple transmissions, including Khyentse Wangpo's revelations Gathering of All Ḍākiṇī's Secrets (mkha' 'gro gsang ba kun 'dus) and Heart Essence of the Deathless Noble Lady ('chi med 'phags ma'i snying thig), her own mind-treasure revelation on Siṃhamukhā, Longsel Dorje's (klong gsal rdo rje, 1625–1692) Vajra Essence of the Great Expanse (klong gsal rdo rje snying po), Longchenpa's Heart Drop of the Ḍākiṇīs (mkha' 'gro'i snying thig), the Black Quintessence (yang ti nag po) of Dungtso Repa (dung mtsho ras pa, fifteenth century), and two cycles he had previously received: Do Khyentse's Chod cycle and Nāropa's Vajrayogīnī ...

Read more from the biography of Namkhai Norbu