The Second Drubgyud Tulku was born in 1586 to a father named Arnye Gyurme Tekchok (ar+mye 'gyur med theg mchog) and a mother named Rakshi Wangmo Kyi (rag shi dbang mo skyid). His personal name is not recorded.
The Ninth Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje (karma pa 09 dbang phyug rdo rje, 1556–1601~1603) recognized him as the reincarnation of Trinle Kunkyab Pelzangpo ('phrin las kun khyab dpal bzang po), who was known as the Drubgyud Tulku, thus taking the title of Second Drubgyud Tulku. The recognition was carried out by letter identifying the names of the parents.
When he was fifteen, he began studying at Pelpung Monastery (dpal spungs dgong), where he took monastic ordination from the Fifth Tai Situ Chokyi Gyeltsen (ta'i sit u 05 chos kyi rgyal mtshan, c.1560–c.1632). He is also said to have trained in the Nyingma tradition.
Following his studies he retreated to the mountains and, after undergoing great ascetic hardships, it is said that he reached an exalted level of meditative accomplishment. Subsequently, he looked after Tana Monastery (rta rna dgon)—the seat of the Yelpa Kagyu tradition—for twenty-five years.
He passed away in 1664 at the age of seventy-eight.
Unknown. Yel pa bka' brgyud pa'i dgon rnams. 1999. In Khams sgom sde nang chen pa'i dgon khag rnams kyi byung ba phyogs bsgrigs rin chen sgrom brgya 'byed pa'i deb ther gser gyi lde mig, p. 535–536. Nang chen rdzong srid gros rig gnas lo rgyus gzhung don khang. BDRC MW00EGS1016686_7C0D4C