Terton Drodul Tobden Lingpa (gter ston 'gro 'dul stobs ldan gling pa) was born, it is assumed, in in the late second or third quarter of the nineteenth century. No details of his birth, early life, and parents are available.
At a young age he was recognized as an incarnation of Langchen Pelgyi Sengge (rlangs chen dpal gyi seng ge, d.u.). He was brought to Katok monastery (kaH thog rdo rje gdan) and educated in the Katok tradition by a number of distinguished teachers that included the Second Katok Situ Chokyi Lodro (kaH thog si tu 02 chos kyi blo gros, 1820-1879), the Third Drime Zhingkyong Jigme Yonten Gonpo (dri med zhing skyong 03 'jigs med yon tan mgon po, 1837-1898), and Chamtrul Konchok Chopel (lcam sprul dkon mchog chos 'phel, d.u.). He received detailed teachings in sutra and tantra along with the transmissions, practical instructions and related empowerments.
Recognized for his diligence in both sutra and tantra he served as the abbot of the summer retreat (dbyar gnas mkhan po) of the monastery for a number of years during which he gave teachings and guided the monks in their practice of rituals and meditations.
Though no details are available, he was said to have revealed a number of treasures that included the Gyelwang Tsoke Nyingtik (rgyal dbang tsho skyes snying thig), thus earning the title of "terton" (gter ston) along with suffix of "lingpa" (gling pa) that is generally given to a Nyingma lama credited with revealing treasures.
According to his biography he was said to have restored a number of sacred places and also credited with many other religious activities in his later life.
'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan. 1996.Rgyal ba kaH thog pa'i lo rgyus mdor bsdus.Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, p.141-142.