The Treasury of Lives

Drime Wosel Lingpa (gter ston dri med 'od gsal gling pa) was born in Nyarong Ga-me (nyag rong 'ga' smad) in the nineteenth century. His family tree was said to be from a lineage that had produced prominent teachers of both Bon and Buddhist traditions. His father Karma Tashi (karma bkra shis) was a treasure teacher and a student of Nyakpa Pema Dudul (nyag bla pad+ma bdud 'dul, 1816-1872). His brother, Khenchen Tubten Gyeltsen Wozer (mkhan chen thub bstan rgyal mtshan 'od zer, b. 1862), was also a teacher of Katok.

From a young age he received many teachings on topics that included the Longsel Dorje Nyingpo (klong gsal rdo rje snying po) from distinguished teachers such as Trulshik Chomden Dorje ('khrul zhig bcom ldan rdo rje, d.u.), who was also called Lama Sonam Taye (bla ma bsod nams mtha' yas), and the Second Dzaka Choktrul Kunzang Namgyel (dzaH ka mchog sprul 02 kun bzang rnam rgyal, d.u.).

He is said to have revealed about six volumes of treasure-texts of terma teachings that included both earth treasure (sa gter) and mind treasure of oral transmission (dgongs gter snyan brgyud).

He built a new residence at Katok Bartro (kaH thog bar khrod) and spent most of his earlier life there.  Later he moved to Rakchab Sengri Dorje Yudzong (rak chab seng ri rdo rje g.yu rdzong) where he built a new meditation center and spent the rest of his life.

Drime Wosel Lingpa had two sons: Dechen Namgyel (bde chen rnam rgyal) and Pema Tukjei Wangchuk (pad+ma thugs rje'i dbang phyug), who was recognized as an incarnation and enthroned at Katok. Educated by his father and other outstanding teachers at the monastery, he later became a successful teacher and a prominent lineage holder. It was Pema Tukjei Wangchuk who arranged the printing of the complete terma teachings of Terchen Dudul Dorje and Terchen Longsel Nyingpo.


Samten Chhosphel earned his PhD from CIHTS in India where he served as the head of Publication Dept. for 26 years. He has a Master’s degree in Writing and Publishing from Emerson College, Boston. Currently he is an adjunct Assistant Professor at the City University of New York, and Language Associate in Columbia University, NY.

Published March 2012


'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan. 1996.Rgyal ba kaH thog pa’i lo rgyus mdor bsdus.Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, p.143

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