The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 3 biographies.

... They also told him that the names of the child's parents.[9] Prophecies about the conditions of the child's birth and physical features like moles and white hairs were adduced from the writings of Getse Mahāpaṇḍita (dge rtse paN Di ta, 1761–1829), an unspecified Dodrubchen incarnation (rdo grub chen), Dudjom Lingpa (bdud 'joms gling pa, 1835–1904), Tsangpa Drubchen Jampa Chodzin (gtsang pa grub chen byams pa chos 'dzin, 1830–1945), Dzongter Kunzang Nyima (rdzong gter kun bzang nyi ma, 1904-1958), and the Third Katok Getse.[10] ...

Read more from the biography of Gyurme Tenpa Gyeltsen

... He also went to visit Gala Khenpo Lodro Gyatso ('ga la mkhan po blo gros rgya mtsho, 1901–1961), a student of Tsangpa Drubchen (gtsang pa grub chen, 1830–1945), from whom he received Sanggye Lingpa's (sangs rgyas gling pa, 1340–1396) Gathering of the Guru's Intent (bla ma dgongs 'dus) and the mind treasure (dgongs gter) Mañjuśrī's Great Completion ('jam dpal rdzogs chen). ...

Read more from the biography of Namkhai Norbu

Takla Norbu treated many famous Tibetan masters of his time, including the Third Dodrubchen, Tenpai Nyima (rdo grub chen 03 bstan pa'i nyi ma, 1865–1926); Pawo Choying Dorje (dpa' bo chos dbyings rdo rje, 1895–1945); Tsangpa Drubchen Jampa Chozin (gtsang pa grub chen byams pa chos 'dzin, 1830–1945); Dartang Chaktsa Jampel Lodro (dar thang phyag tsha 'jam dpal blo gros, 1892–1958/1959); and the Third Dzongnang Lama, Jampel Gyepai Dorje (rdzong nang bla ma 03 'jam dpal dgyes pa'i rdo rje, 1894–1958). ...

Read more from the biography of Takla Norbu