The Treasury of Lives

The Third Dzogchen Ponlob Namkha Chokyi Gyatso (rdzogs chen dpon slob 03 nam mkha’ chos kyi rgya mtsho) was probably born in 1807, the fire-hare year of the fourteenth sexagenary cycle.  Details of his birth and parents are not available.

At a young age he was identified as the reincarnation of Dzogchen Ponlob Pema Sangngak Tendzin (rdzogs chen dpon slob 02 pad+ma gsang sngags bstan 'dzin, 1731-1805) by the Fourth Dzogchen Drubwang Mingyur Namkhai Dorje (rdzogs chen grub dbang 04 mi 'gyur nam mkha'i rdo rje, 1793-1870) and brought to Dzogchen Monastery, Orgyen Samten Choling (rdzogs chen o rgyan bsam gtan chos gling) in the Rudam Kyitram (ru dam skyid khram) Valley.

He studied under several outstanding teachers including the First Dodrubchen, Jigme Trinle Ozer (rdo grub chen 01 'jigs med 'phrin las 'od zer, 1745-1821). He passed away suddenly at the age of fifteen.

His reincarnation was identified in Jigme Choying Osel (rdzogs chen dpon slob 04 'jigs med chos dbyings 'od gsal) who was born near Rudam.

Samten Chhosphel earned his PhD from CIHTS in India where he served as the head of Publication Dept. for 26 years. He has a Master’s degree in Writing and Publishing from Emerson College, Boston. Currently he is an adjunct Assistant Professor at the City University of New York, and Language Associate in Columbia University, NY.

Published December 2011


Bstan ’dzin lung rtogs nyi ma. 2004. Snga ’gyur rdzogs chen chos ’byung chen mo. Beijing: Krong go’i bod rigs dpe skrun khang, p. 380.
