The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 20 biographies.

... Before his death, he told his close disciples that he would take rebirth as the Forty-First Sakya Trizin, Ngawang Kunga (ngag dbang kun dga', b ...

Read more from the biography of Apang Terton

In 1952, at Ngor, he gave the Lamdre transmission, together with part of the Compendium of Sādhanas, to a host of prominent Sakya figures, including the eight-year-old Ngawang Kunga Tekchen Pelbar (ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar, b ...

Read more from the biography of Dampa Rinpoche Ngawang Lodro Zhenpen Nyingpo

... Whatever the case, Apang Terton become an influential treasure revealer, perhaps best known for his widely practiced Red Tārā cycle, for founding Tsimda Monastery (rtsis mda' dgon) in Pema County in Golok,[45] and for taking rebirth as the Forty-First Sakya Trizin Ngawang Kunga Tekchen Pelbar (sa skya khri 'dzin 41 ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar, b ...

Read more from the biography of Dudjom Lingpa

... He was scheduled to soon travel to Dharamsala to attend an important meeting, from November 29 to December 1, with the Central Tibetan Administration, the Dalai Lama, the Forty-First Sakya Trizin (sa skya khri 'dzin 41 ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar), the Seventeenth Karmapa Orgyen Trinle Dorje (o rgyan 'phrin las rdo rje, b ...

Read more from the biography of Gyurme Tenpa Gyeltsen

... The Forty-first Sakya Tridzin, Ngawang Kunga Tekchen Pelbar (sa skya khri chen 41 ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar, b.1945), confirmed the identification and gave the boy the name Jamyang Chokyi Nyima ('jam dbangs chos kyi nyi ma). ...

Read more from the biography of Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Wangchuk

... 1935), the Sixth Dzogchen Rinpoche, Jikdrel Jangchub Dorje (rdzogs chen 06 'jigs bral byang chub rdo rje, 1935-1959), the Fifth Shechen Gyeltsab, Gyurme Pema Dorje (zhe chen rgyal tshab 05 'gyur med padma rdo rje), Shechen Kongtrul Pema Drime (zhe chen kong sprul padma 'dri med, 1901-1960), Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro (mkhyen brtse mchog gi blo gros, 1893-1959), Dudjom Rinpoche (bdud 'joms rin po che, 1904-1988), Dilgo Khyentse Tashi Peljor (dil mgo mkhyen brtse bkra shis dpal byor, 1910-1991), Kangyur Rinpoche Longchen Yeshe Dorje (bka' 'gyur rin po che klong chen ye shes rdo rje, 1897/1898-1975), Chatral Sanggye Dorje (bya bral sangs rgya rdo rje, 1913-2015), the Fortieth Sakya Trichen (sa skya khri chen 41, b ...

Read more from the biography of Karma Rangjung Kunkhyab

... Members of this community recalled Lhalungpa's assistance in having their organization formally registered; one member interviewed in 2016 noted that Lhalungpa was "non-sectarian and open minded."12 Personal papers also confirm Lhalungpa's role in distributing relief funds to communities led by the Forty-first Sakya Trizin (sa skya khri 'dzin 41 ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar, b ...

Read more from the biography of Lobsang Phuntsok Lhalungpa

... A Great Stupa of Enlightenment was consecrated in 1998 by the Forty-First Sakya Trizin (sa skya khri 'dzin 41, b ...

Read more from the biography of Namkhai Norbu

... Otherwise, the main incarnations of Apang Terchen are the current Sakya Tridzin, Nawang Kunga Tekchen Pelbar (sa skya khri 'dzin 41 ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar, b ...

Read more from the biography of Namtrul Jigme Puntsok

He transmitted multiple teachings to the young Forty-First Sakya Tridzin (sa skya khri 'dzin 41, b ...

Read more from the biography of Ngawang Khedrub Gyatso

... Major accomplishments include inviting the Dalai Lama for his first and second visits to Mongolia (1991 and 1994), forming the Mongolian Buddhist Association (1992), arranging for Buddhist relics to be taken from the Indian National Museum in New Delhi to Mongolia for public worship (1993), inviting the head of the Sakya lineage, the Forty First Sakya Trizin, Ngawang Kunga Tekchen Pebar (sa skya khri 'dzin 41 ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar, b ...

Read more from the biography of Ngawang Lobzang Thubstan Choknor

... When a son was born to them the following year—Ngawang Kunga Tekchen Pelbar, who would become the Forty-First Sakya Trizin (sa skya khri 'dzin 41 ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar, b ...

Read more from the biography of Ngawang Lodro Rinchen

Pointing out that Lama Ngaklo had ensured the conception and birth of the Forty-first Sakya Trizin Ngawang Kunga Tekchen Pelbar (sa skya khri 'dzin 42 ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar, b ...

Read more from the biography of Nun of the Cemeteries

... These included Gochen Tulku Sang-ngak (sgo chen sprul sku gsang sngags, b.1952);[17] the Ninth Gangteng Tulku, Kunzang Rigdzin Pema Namgyel (sgang steng sprul sku 09 kun bzang rig 'dzin pad+ma rnam rgyal, b.1955); Kusum Lingpa (sku gsum gling pa, 1934–2009); the Forty-First Sakya Trizin (sa skya khri 'dzin, b.1945); Namkha Drime Rabjam (nam mkha' dri med rab 'byams, b ...

Read more from the biography of Pema Gargyi Wangchuk

He received empowerments from many of the Tibetan lamas who visited Sikkim in the 1950s, including Dilgo Khyentse Tashi Peljor (dil mgo mkhyen brtse bkra shis dpal 'byor, 1910-1991), the Sixteenth Karmapa Rangjung Rigpai Dorje (karma pa 16 rang byung rig pa'i rdo rje, 1924-1981), the Forty-first Sakya Tridzin, Ngawang Kunga Tekchen Pelbar (sa skya khri 'dzin 41 ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar, b.1945), and the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso (ta la'i bla ma 14 bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho, b ...

Read more from the biography of Sindrang Yab Gomchen Dorje Lopen Chewang Rinzin Tagchungdarpa

... The meeting was presided by the Dalai Lama and was attended by the Forty-Second Sakya Tripa, Ngawang Kunga Tekchen Pelbar (sa skya khri pa 42 ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar, b.1945); the Sixteenth Karmapa, Rangjung Rikpai Dorje (karma pa rang byung rig pa'i rdo rje, 1924–1981); Dudjom Rinpoche Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje (bdud 'joms 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje, 1904–1987); the Nineteenth Bakula Ngawang Lobzang Thubstan Choknor (ba ku la 19 ngag dbang blo bzang thub bstan mchog nor, 1918–2003); Trijang Rinpoche, and others ...

Read more from the biography of Thupten Lungtok Namgyal Trinley

An elaborate cremation ceremony led by Sakya Trichen Rinpoche (sa skya khri chen, b ...

Read more from the biography of Tsering Chodron

... In 1958, the earth-dog year, Tubten Gyeltsen toured the sacred sites of India with Chokyi Lodro and then returned to Tibet, reuniting with Khenpo Appey, who had remained in Lhasa.[20] He spent time at Sakya (sa skya), at the enthronement of the Forty-First Sakya Trichen, Ngawang Kunga Tekchen Pelbar (ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar, b.1945) to whom he gave a teaching on Sakya Paṇḍita's (sa skya paN Di ta, 1182–1251) Differentiating the Three Vows (sdom gsum rab dbye), and then at Ngor Monastery, where he participated in the annual ceremony remembering the monastery's founder.[21] ...

Read more from the biography of Tubten Gyeltsen

... Lama Ngaklo was credited with helping the family produce Ngawang Kunga Tekchen Pelbar (ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar, b ...

Read more from the biography of Tubten Lekshe Gyatso

... Her great-nephew, the 41st Sakya Tridzin, Ngawang Kunga Tekchen Pelbar (ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar, b ...

Read more from the biography of Pema Trinle