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Among his best disciples were the Second Dzongnak Lama, Sherab Chokyi Nangwa (rdzong nang bla ma 02 she rab chos kyi snang ba, 1854-1893); the First Lhatrul, Pema Garwang Tendzin (lha sprul 01 pad+ma gar dbang bstan 'dzin); the Second Gyankhang, Pema Tekchok Tendzin (gyang khang 02 pad+ma theg mchog bstan 'dzin, d.u); Terton Rinchen Lingpa (gter ston rin chen gling pa, d.u); Tashi Chopel (brka shis chos 'phel, d.u); Tubten Shedrub Gyatso (thub bstan bshad sgrub rgya mtsho, 1879-1961); and Muksang Jigme Chokyi Lodro (smugs sangs 'jigs med chos kyi blo gros, d.u.). ...
Read more from the biography of Dongak Chokyi Nyima
At Pelyul he also received teachings from Muksang Pelwe Tulku Jigme Chokyi Lodro (rmugs sangs dpal be sprul sku 'jigs med chos kyi blo gros, d.u.), and Muksang Kenpo Padma Sherab Zangpo (rmugs sang mkhan po padma she rab bzang po, d.u). ...
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