The Treasury of Lives

Drubchok Wangpo (grub mchog dbang po) was born around the year 1571 into a familial line of a ruler of Chonggye ('phyong rgyas), a family that claimed Zahor ancestry. He was said to be the reincarnation of Gotsang Repa Natsok Rangdrol (rgod tshang ras pa sna tshogs rang grol, 1494-1570) by a local medium (lha bab pa). At the age of five the Fifth Zhamarpa, Kongchok Yelak (zhwa dmar 05 dkon mchog yan lag, 1525-1583) invited him to Rechung Puk (ras chung phug), the seat of Gotsang Repa, and officially installed him as Gotsang Repa's reincarnation. The Fifth Zharmapa ordained him, assisted by the Ninth Karmapa, Wangchuk Dorje (kar+ma pa 09 dbang phyug rdo rje, 1555-1603), who gave him his name, Drubchok Wangpo.

At Rechung Puk he studied the Rechung Nyengyu (ras chung snyan brgyud) with the three “Rabjampa,” the disciples of Gotsang Repa: Rabjampa Karma Tashi (rab 'byams pa ka+rma bkra shis, d.u.), Rabjampa Jampa Puntsok (rab 'byams pa byams pa phun tshogs, d.u.), and Rabjampa Sanggye Ozer (rab 'byams pa sangs rgyas 'od zer, d.u.).

At the age of thirteen Drubchok Wangpo went to Lekshe Ling (legs bshad gling) where he sat for the full course of studies, rising to the top of the community and earning the title of Khenpo (mkhan po). At that time Rabjampa Karma Tashi was developing Rechung Puk, and invited Drubchok Wangpo back to take part.

At some point Drubchok Wangpo went to Rinpung (rin spungs) in Tsang, where he was involved in the identification of the incarnation of Gotruk Repa (rgod phrug ras pa, b. 1364). He took final ordination at Leksheling under the Ninth Karmapa, and served as abbot of that monastery for seven years. He received instructions in Mahāmudrā, the One Hundred Sadhana (sgrub thobs brgya), the Mitra Gyatsa (mi tra brgya rtsa), and the empowerments for the Cakrasaṃvara, Hevajra, and Guhyasamāja. He then returned to Rechung Puk to be with the three Rabjampa, before leaving again to go to Garchen (sgar chen), and stayed in retreat at Tsari (tsA ri) for three years.

Finishing his retreat, Drubchok Wangpo returned to Rechung Puk, where he met the Karmapa and taught Mahāmudrā, the Naro Chodruk (na ro chos drug) and other Kagyu traditions. He visited Tolung Dechen (stod lung bde chen) to meet the young Sixth Zharmapa, Chokyi Wangchuk (zhwa dmar 06 chos kyi dbang phyug, 1584-1630).

After the Ninth Karmapa passed away in 1603, Chokyi Wangchuk followed instructions he had received from him to build a central temple at Rechung Puk, with support from patrons in India, China, and Kashmir. There he welcomed the Karmapa's reincarnation, the Tenth Karmapa Choying Dorje (kar+ma pa 10 chos dbyings rdo rje, 1604-1674), to whom he gave novice vows.

Chokyi Wangchuk passed away in his fifty-sixth year, in 1618, at Yarto Dromtsa (yar stod khrom sa).

Alexander Gardner is Director and Chief Editor of the Treasury of Lives. He completed his PhD in Buddhist Studies at the University of Michigan in 2007. He is the author of The Life of Jamgon Kongtrul The Great.

Published December 2009


Si tu paN chen chos kyi 'byung gnas, and 'Be lo tshe dbang kun khab. 1972. Sgrub brgyud karma kaM tshang brgyud pa rin po che'i rnam par thar pa rab byams nor bu zla ba chu shel gyi phreng ba. New Delhi: D. Gyeltsen & Kesang Legshay, vol. II, pp. 343.6-344.7.
