The Treasury of Lives

Alexander Gardner is Director and Chief Editor of the Treasury of Lives. He completed his PhD in Buddhist Studies at the University of Michigan in 2007. He is the author of The Life of Jamgon Kongtrul The Great.

Published June 2022


Kolmaš, Josef. 1988. "Dezhung Rinpoche's Summary and Continuation of the Sde-dge'i rgyal-rabs." Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hung, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 119-152.

Tsomu, Yudru. 2018. "Women as Chieftains in Modern Kham History." Inner Asia, vol. 20, pp. 107–131.

Blo gros phun tshogs. 1995. Sde dge'i lo rgyus. Sde dge rdzong: Srid gros sde dge rdzong rig gnas lo rgyus rgyu cha bsdu sgrig u yon lhan khang.

Wang Xiuyu. 2011.China’s Last Imperial Frontier: Late Qing Expansion in Sichuan’s Tibetan Borderlands. New York: Lexington Books.
