The Treasury of Lives

Jazi Amnye Tulku Pema Tashi (ja bzi a myes sprul sku padma bkra shis) was born in 1901 in Nyarong Bushod (nyag rong sbu shod). His father was named Tropen Sonam Dorje (kho phan bsod nams rdo rje) and his mother was named Tsewang Drolma (tshe dbang sgrol ma). A lama named Orgyen Rigdzin Sempa Dorje (o rgyan rig 'dzin sems pa rdo rje) named him Pema Tashi.

At the age of five he was recognized as the incarnation of Amnye Rigdzin Pelden Chodrak (a myes rig 'dzin dpal ldan chos grags) and enthroned in Jazi Monastery (ja bzi dgon) where he studied different subjects for almost six years.

At the age of eleven he went to Tromge Monastery (khrom dge dgon) and received the teaching tradition of Longsel Nyingpo (klong gsal snying po, 1625-1692) from Tromge Choktrul Jigme Dongak Tendzin (khrom dge mchog sprul 'jigs med mdo ngag bstan 'dzin, d.u.), who was the uncle of Tromge Arik Tulku (khrom dge a rig sprul sku)

From Nyala Yeshe Dorje (nyag bla ye shes rdo rje, d.u.) he received empowerments and teachings on Nyala Pema Dudul's (nyag bla padma bdud 'dul, 1816-1872) revelation of the Khakyab Rangdrol (mkha' khyab rang grol), which he later transmitted to Sherab Ozer (shes rab 'od zer, 1922-2006), an abbot of Kelzang Sanggye Choling Monastery (bskal bzang sangs rgyas chos gling) and the reincarnation of Orgyen Rigdzin Sempa Dorje.

His other teachers included: Lobzang Pelden Tendzin Nyendrak (blo bzang dpal ldan bstan 'dzin snyan grags, 1866-1928); Adzom Gyelse Gyurme Dorje (a 'dzom rgyal sras 'gyur med rdo rje, b. 1895); Terton Sogyel Lerab Lingpa, (gter ston bsod rgyal las rab gling pa, 1856-1826); Nyoshul Tutob Lingpa (smyo shul mthu stobs gling pa, 1858-1914); Gyelrong Tulku Ape, (rgyal rong sprul sku a pad mdo sngags bstan pa'i sgron me, 1927-1967); Nyala Choying Dorje (nyag bla chos dbyings rdo rje, d.u.), the son of Terton Nyala Rangrik Dorje (nyag bla rang rig rdo rje, 1847-1903); Khenchen Jampel Dewai Nyima (mkhan chen 'jam dpal bde ba'i nyi ma, d.u.); the Fourth Chaktsa Tulku, Kunzang Pema Trinle (phyag tsha 04, kun bzang pad+ma phrin las, d.u.); Nyoshul A-ngak Rigdzin Tutob Lingpa (smyo shul a ngag rig 'dzin mthu stobs gling pa, 1858-1914); and Terton Drime Osel Lingpa (gter ston dri med 'od gsal gling pa, d.u.).

Jazi Amnye Tulku passed away in 1975.

Sangngak Dorje

Published June 2013


Mkhan po 'jam dbyangs. 1998.'Gro 'dul pad+ma gar dbang gling pa'i rnam thar rdul bral zla ba'i me long.TBRC W27611.

Three Chinese-language blogs contain reliable information about Jazi Amnye Tulku. They can be accessedhere,here, andhere.
