The Treasury of Lives

The Zhabdrung Sungtrul incarnation line represents the speech incarnation of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, the seventeenth century Tibetan-born Drukpa Kagyu leader who was recognized as an incarnation of Pema Karpo. When the Tsang Desi challenged the recognition, Ngawang Namgyel fled to Bhutan. The Zhabdrung Sungtrul line, one of several incarnation lines of the Zhabdrung, was established in the eighteenth century. The Second Zhabdrung Sungtrul, Shakya Tendzin founded Sang Chokhor Monastery, which became a seat of the line, in Paro.



Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel

b.1594 - d.1651

Shakya Tendzin was the Second Zhabdrung Sungtrul, was the reincarnation of Chokle Namgyel, himself the speech incarnation of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel. He served as abbot of Taktsang, and established the Sang Chokhor temple in Paro.

Yeshe Ngodrub, the Fifth Zhabdrung Sungtrul, was an accomplished visual artist. He served as the fifty-seventh Desi, from 1903 to 1906, and the fifty-third Je Khenpo, from 1915 to 1917. He established Kunga Choling below the seat of his lineage, Paro Sang Chokhor.