The Treasury of Lives

An important Geluk incarnation line dating to the 17th century with a seat at Labrang Tashikyil monastery in Amdo. The line stems from the Fifty First Ganden Tripa Pelden Drakpa who was the First Hortsang Sertri.



Pelden Drakpa served as the Fifty-first Ganden Tripa for seven years, from 1721 to 1728. A student of the Sixth Tatsak Lama and the Second Paṇchen Lama, he was educated in Drepung Gomang and Gyuto monasteries and later he served as abbot of Gyuto and then Ganden Shartse from where he ascended to the Golden Throne of Ganden. He served as tutor to the Seventh Dalai Lama and assisted in granting the monastic vows to the Third Paṇchen Lama. He was instrumental in settling disputes in Amdo on behalf of the Seventh Dalai Lama.

The Third Hortsang Sertri, Jigme Rigpai Sengge, the founder of the Genden Rabgye Hermitage, was a close disciple of the Second Jamyang Zhepa. He studied in Bengar and Labrang Tashikhyil in Amdo and Drepung Monastery in Lhasa. He served as the twentieth throne holder of Labrang, and later in life as abbot of the Drakkar tantric college.

The Fourth Hortsang Sertri, Jigme Tenpai Nyima served as the Forty-seventh throne holder of Labrang Tashikhyil for eight years, from 1854 to about 1852. He was educated in Amdo and at Drepung Gomang Dratsang near Lhasa. During his tenure at Labrang he improved the facilities and adopted a new monastic constitution. He visited Mongolia and gave teachings, and visited Beijing for pilgrimage.

The Sixth Hortsang Sertri, Lobzang Pelden studied in Labrang Tashikhyil where he served as abbot for three years, and also established the White Tārā Temple at the instruction of the Fifth Jamyang Zhepa. He served as the Forty-fourth abbot of Shitsang Monastery and also abbot of Ngulra Monastery. Later in life he travelled to Lhasa for pilgrimage. He died in 1958.