The Treasury of Lives

The Amchok is a Geluk incarnation line which was established in the 18th century. The King of Amchok kingdom, covering much of southeast Amdo, gave the First Amchok Sonam Chopel his title. The line was established when the Second Amchok Konchok Tenpai Gyeltsen was recognized as the reincarnation of Sonam Chopel. The Amchok lamas' seats were Amchok Monastery and Amchok Tsenyi Monastery.



The Second Amchok, Tenpai Gyeltsen, was a Geluk lama from Amdo. He  founded Jamyang Mawai Sengge Ling in Ngawa, Amdo, in 1823.

The Third Amchok, Jamyang Khyenrab Gyatso, was a prominent Geluk lama of Amdo. He was trained briefly at the large monasteries in Lhasa before continuing his education at Ngayul Gomang Mawai Sengge Ling in Amdo, where he was enthroned as abbot in 1890.