The Treasury of Lives

Sonam Dorje is a PHD candidate in Dunhuang Tibetan Manuscripts at North-west Nationalities’ University in Lanzhou.

Published January 2017


Mu po. 2004. Pal yul rnam rgyal byang chub chos gling. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 94-105, 326-329. TBRC W27022.

Tsering Lama Jampal Zangpo. 1988. A Garland of Immortal Wish-Fulfilling Trees: The Palyul Tradition of Nyingmapa. Trans. Sangye Khandro. Ithaca: Snow Lion. pp. 107-115.

Tulku Thondup. Masters of Meditation and Miracles: The Longchen Nyingthig Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Boston: Shambala, 1999.