The Treasury of Lives

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The Jampel Dechenling family was a prominent family of the Drapu region of Kyirong. They trace their descent from Go Pema Guntsen ('gos padma gung btsan), a minister of Tri Songdetsen. The family controlled Drapu Choling Monastery in Kyirong for several centuries, and continues to preserve the Barawa Kagyu. They hold manuscripts of the Barawa tradition which were published as the Golden Rosary in 1970, and built a new Barawa Kagyu monastery, Tashi Choling, in Dharamsala in the 1980s.  


Erschbamer, Marlene. 2017. The 'Ba'-ra-ba bKa'-brgyud-pa: Historical and Contemporary Studies. Vienna: WSTB, pp 180–182.

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