The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 3 biographies.

... He would train under his father and the great scholar Khenpo Kunpel (mkhan po kun dpal, 1862–1943), and was enthroned in 1895 at Dzagyel Monastery, which he later passed on to his daughter, Kunzang Wangmo (kun bzang dbang mo, 1930–2009).[33] His eighth son, Tulku Dorje Dradul (sprul sku rdo rje dgra 'dul, 1891–1959), would become a treasure revealer, look after Kelzang Monastery, and pass away during the Chinese invasion of 1959.[34] ...

Read more from the biography of Dudjom Lingpa

In addition to the teachers listed above, Choktrul also studied with Yakshul Khenpo Lodro (yag shul mkhan po blo gros, d.u.), Apang Terton Pawo Choying Dorje (a pang gter ston dpa' bo chos dbyings rdo rje, 1895-1945), Terse Dorje Dradul (gter sras rdo rje dgra 'dul, 1891-1959), Katok Khenpo Lekshe Jorden (kaH thog mkhan po legs bshad 'byor ldan, d.u.), Amchok Jamyang Khyenrab Gyatso (a mchog 'jam dbyangs mkhyen rab rgya mtsho, 1903-1958), and many others ...

Read more from the biography of Jampel Gyepai Dorje

Sera Khandro's main disciples include the First Adzom Drukpa Pawo Dorje (a 'dzom 'brug pa dpa' bo rdo rje) and his son Gyurme Dorje ('gyur med rdo rje) and daughter Chime Wangmo ('chi med dbang mo); Dujom Lingpa's sons Pema Ledrel/Drime Wozer (pad+ma las 'brel/ dri med 'od zer) and Dorje Dradul (rdo rje dgra 'dul); the Fourth Katok Chaksa Pema Trinle Gyatso (kaH tog phyag tsha pad+ma 'phrin las rgya mtsho); Pelyul Gochen Tulku Jiktrel Chokyi Lodro (dpal yul sgo chen sprul sku 'jigs bral chos kyi blo gros); the Riwoche Zhabdrung Tulku Tsewang Drakpa (ri bo che zhabs drung sprul sku tshe dbang grags pa); Abo Soge Tulku Natsok Rangdrol (a bob sod dge sprul sku sna tshogs rang grol) and Jikga Tulku ('jigs dga' sprul sku) from Sera Monastery in Serta; Trakya Lama Sherab Wozer (khra skya bla ma shes rab 'od zer), Tromge Khandro Dawa Dronma (khrom dge mkha' 'gro zla ba sgron ma); Dzogchen Khenpo Norbu Wangyal (rdzogs chen mkhan po nor bu dbang rgyal); Chatral Sanggye Dorje (bya bral sangs rgyas rdo rje, 1913-2015); the king and queen of Ling (gling); and her own daughter Choying Dronma (chos dbyings sgron ma). ...

Read more from the biography of Sera Khandro Kunzang Dekyong Wangmo