The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 1 biography.

... As a young man he studied with the major Sakya and Kadam teachers of the day, including Khenchen Sonam Drakpa (mkhan chen bsod nams grags pa, 1273-1345), Lama Pelden Sengge (bla ma dpal ldan seng ge), Pello Lodro Tenpa (dpal lo blo gros brtan pa, 1276-1342), Drakhawa Drakpa Sengge (brag kha ba grags pa seng ge), Gyelse Tokme Zangpo (rgyal sras thogs med bzang po, 1295-1369), Sonam Pel (bsod nams dpal, 1277-1350), and Chopel Zangpo (chos dpal bzang po). ...

Read more from the biography of Jamyang Donyo Gyeltsen