The Treasury of Lives

Sherab Tashi (shes rab bkra shis) was born in 1647, the fire-pig year of eleventh sexagenary cycle, in Titsang (rtis tshang), Rebkong (reb kong). His father, named Chakdor Gyel (phyag rdor rgyal), claimed descent from the famous saint Yungton Trogyel (g.yung ston khro rgyal, d.u). He was granted the lay renunciation vow by his uncle Sherab Gyeltsen (shes rab rgyal mtshan, d.u.) and joined Tosam Namgyel Ling (thos bsam rnam rgyal gling), the debating college of Rongwo Monastery (rong bo dgon chen).

At Rongwo he received teachings from Shar Kelden Gyatso (shar skal ldan rgya mtsho, 1607-1677) and other masters at Rongwo Monastery. In 1666, at age twenty, he went to Lhasa to enroll in Gomang College (sgo mang grwa tshang) at Drepung ('bras spungs) monastic university. At the age of twenty-five he was awarded the degree of Geshe Lharampa (dge bshes lha rams pa).

At the age of twenty-five he received full monastic ordination from the Fifth Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobzang Gyatso (tA la'i bla ma 05 ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho, 1617-1682), who also conferred teachings upon him.

Two years later, around 1673, he returned to Amdo. At Rongwo Monastery he studied again with Shar Kelden Gyatso. He also received teachings from the Sixth Tashak, Baso Jedrung Konchok Nyima (rta tshag 06 ba so rje drung dkon mchog nyi ma, 1653-1707); the Fourth Tongkhor, Dogyu Gyatso (stong 'khor 04 mdo rgyud rgya mtsho, d. 1683); the Third Zhabdrung Karpo, Ngawang Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen (zhabs drung dkar po ngag dbang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1660-1728); Jamyang Lodro ('jam dbyangs blo gros, 1651-1733); Chumar Lobzang Gyatso (chu dmar blo bzang rgya mtsho, d.u.); Lobzang Tashi (blo bzang bkra shis, 1647-1713), and others.

Following the death of Kelden Gyatso, he devoted himself to meditation retreat at various sites in Amdo focusing on Mañjuśrī, Cakrasaṃvara, Mahākāla and other deities. In 1683 he established Dzongkar Kadam Podrang Tashi Ling (rdzong dkar bka' gdams pho brang bkra shis gling) in Dzongkar (rdzong dkar). He trained numerous disciples there and at Rongwo including: Ngawang Trinle Gyatso (ngag dbang 'phrin las rgya mtsho, 1678-1738), the second abbot of the monastery; Lodro Gyatso (blo gros rgya mtsho, 1664-1740); Lobzang Jamyang (blo bzang 'jam dbyangs, d.u.), Chukya Rigdzin Pelden Tashi (chu kyA rig 'dzin dpal ldan bkra shis, 1688-1742), and Tendzin Trinle (bstan 'dzin 'phrin las, 1695-1738), who served as the eighth throne holder of Rongwo. He also helped train the reincarnation of Shar Kelden Gyatso, the Second Rongwo Drubchen, Ngawang Trinle Gyatso (rong po grub chen 02 ngag dbang 'phrin las rgya mtsho, 1678-1739).

In 1708, at age sixty-one, he ascended the abbatial throne of Rongwo Monastery, where he oversaw the entire monastic administration for seven years. During his abbacy he organized various Buddhist debating activities at Dzongkar and gave many teachings and empowerments. He also promoted Buddhist practices among lay communities in eastern Amdo, particularly the practice of reciting mantra, or maṇi, thus earning the title Titsang Maṇipa (rtis tshang ma Ni pa).

In addition to Dzongkar Monastery, he also founded a number of other institutions such as the hermitages of Takdo (ltag rdo) and Dorpuk (rdo phug) in Bido (bis mdo), Tsikyang (rtsi rkyang) and Angang (a 'gang) hermitages in Dobi (rdo sbis), Chorten Kyak (mchod rten skyag) and Namkyak (gnam skyag) monasteries in Ngawa (rnga ba).

Sherab Tashi passed away in 1716, the fire-snake year of the twelfth sexagenary cycle, at the age of seventy. His reincarnation was found in the person of Lobzang Khechok (blo bzang mkhas mchog, 1719-1791), who was given the title of Second Maṇipa, as well as Second Dzongkar (rdzong dkar 02), both titles being held by subsequent incarnations.

Sonam Dorje is a PHD candidate in Dunhuang Tibetan Manuscripts at North-west Nationalities’ University in Lanzhou.

Published March 2013


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'Jigs med theg mchog. 1988.Rong bo dgon chen gyi gdan rabs. Xining: Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 200-204.TBRC W27315.

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Ngag dbang 'phrin las rgya mtsho. 1728.Rje btsun dam pa shes rab bkra shis pa'i rnam par thar pa lhag bsam sprin gyi sgra dbyangs rna ba'i dga' ston byin rlabs myur 'jug. Rebkong: Rong po dgon chen.

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