Bstan pa bstan 'dzin. 2003.Chos sde chen po dpal ldan 'bras spungs bkra shis sgo mang grwa tshang gi chos 'byung dung g.yas su 'khyil ba'i sgra dbyangs.Dpal ldan 'bras spungs bkra shis sgo mang dpe mdzod khang, p. 37.
Srid gros kan lho bod rigs rang skyong khul bsang chu rdzong u yon lhan khang rig gnas lo rgyus dpyad gzhi'i yig rigs u yon lhan khang. 1999.Bla brang dgon pa dga' ldan bshad sgrub dar rgyas bkra shis g.yas su 'khyil ba'i gling gi lo rgyus mdor bsdus,p. 64.
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