The Treasury of Lives

Despite the many layers of legend that have accreted around Padmasambhava, scholars generally agree that a renowned Indian tantric master by that name did visit and teach in Tibet in the late eighth century. Our earliest evidence for his activities comes from several tenth-century manuscripts found in Mogao Cave 17 near the modern city of Dunhuang. These materials provide glimpses of Tibetans writing on Padmasambhava after his supposed departure from Tibet, around the end of the eighth century, but before the time of his first major biography, the Copper Palace (zangs gling ma) revealed by Nyangrel Nyima Wozer (nyang ral nyi ma 'od zer, 1124-1192).

The first of these Dunhuang manuscripts to be studied by modern scholars is Pelliot tibétain 44, a small booklet devoted to the tantric deity Vajrakīlāya. It describes the master's time in India and Nepal prior to his trip to Tibet. According to this account, he gathered the texts and performed the rites for The Hundred-Thousand-Verse Vajrakīlāya Tantra (phur bu'i 'bum sde) at the Asura cave in Yanglesho (yang le shod), Nepal. During this same period, he is also said to have tamed four troublesome Se (bse) goddesses and bestowed upon them new Buddhist names. On gaining accomplishment in the practices of Vajrakīlāya, the master then performed a series of miracles, including the magical diversion of a stream for irrigation purposes.

Pelliot tibétain 307 is a scroll containing several texts on the seven mothers (ma bdun), a set of seven goddesses native to the Tibetan landscape. The framing narrative for the rites found therein tells how, in accordance with the buddhas' earlier subjugation of Rudra, Padmasambhava and the Tibetan Lang Pelgyi Sengge (rlang dpal gyis seng ge, eighth century) tamed the seven mothers and bestowed on them oaths and new names as protectors of Secret Mantra. The passage ends with a nine-syllable verse supplication to the newly converted Mothers, now led by Dorje Kundrakma (rdo rje kun grags ma), formerly named Kongla Demo (rkong la de mo).

Also illuminating is the Dunhuang manuscript IOL Tib J 644, which contains two texts on the nine vehicles (theg pa dgu) and the different vidyādhara levels a tantric practitioner ma achieve. In the context of the latter discussion, Padmasambhava is said to have achieved the highest level of Mahāyoga realization, that of a mahāmudrā vidyādhara. A similar claim is seen two centuries later in Nyangrel's Copper Palace. IOL Tib J 644 also exhibits other narrative threads found woven into later biographical accounts of Padmasambhava's activities. The ideal Kriyā-tantra practitioner, for example, meditates in an Asura cave, attains a vision of their deity, reveals a new stream of pure waters, and so on. Such details suggest that the early biographies of the master represent a weave of narrative themes that had long circulated throughout Tibet in shorter independent works. 

In addition to the above-mentioned biographical snippets, the Dunhuang archive also contains a lengthy commentary titled the Lotus Garland Synopsis (padma 'phreng gi don bsdus pa), a commentary on the Mahāyoga tantra known as the Noose of Methods (thabs kyi zhags pa). Both the commentary and its root tantra are preserved in later canonical collections, but only in the Dunhuang version are their connections to Padmasambhava so clearly spelled out; only there do several interlinear notes appear to suggest that the commentary was written by none other than Padmasambhava. Some scholars, it should be observed, have proposed that these notes might be interpreted to mean that the eighth-century master wrote the tantra itself, but a more likely interpretation would suggest the commentary.

Another text that many scholars have suggested may have been written by the historical Padmasambhava is the Pith Instruction in A Garland of Views (man ngag lta ba'i 'phreng ba). There are others candidates as well, such as Mahāyoga-inflected commentary to the Vajravidāraṇā-dhāraṇī (Toh. 2679) that is attributed to the master. Taken together, such writings provide some sense of the historical master's eighth-century interests. We can at least say that he appears to have been deeply involved in the Buddhist tantras, including those of the Mahāyoga class and perhaps those relating to the deity Vajrakīlāya in particular.

During the later dissemination of Buddhism in Tibet (phyi dar), Tibetan literature exhibits an ever-increasing interest in Padmasambhava. The Testament of Wa/Ba (dba'/sba bzhed), parts of which may date from the tenth or eleventh centuries, is an early history of the imperial period that includes a brief narrative of the eighth-century master's visit to Tibet. Here we see many of the details that would become so well known in later years: The monk Śāntarakṣita suggests to the emperor Tri Songdetsen (khri srong lde brtsan, c. 742-800) that he invite Padmasambhava to assist with the founding of Samye (bsam yas), Tibet's first Buddhist monastery. On his arrival, the master offers a series of prophecies and tames Tibet's local spirits who are resisting the introduction of Buddhism. The Testament of Wa also has the master overseeing several irrigation projects in the area around Samye. Such details have led some scholars to suggest that irrigation, and the spirit taming that would have entailed, may have been an area of particular expertise for the master. In the end, however, the Testament of Wa has these same irrigation activities run him afoul of the king and his ministers, and he is soon forced to leave the country. On his way out, Padmasambhava pauses at the border to make a final prophecy, predicting trouble for Tibet and its Buddhists because of his not having been able to complete his activities.

Again, many of these themes are picked up and developed in subsequent biographies. Particularly influential was the above-mentioned Copper Palace, a treasure revelation discovered by Nyangrel Nyima Wozer. This was the first complete hagiographical account of Padmasambhava's life. Many of its narratives were also incorporated into Nyangrel's history, the Flower Nectar: The Essence of Honey (chos 'byung me tog snying po sbrag rtsi'i bcud) and then further expanded in the famous Pema Chronicles (padma bka' thang), another revealed hagiography discovered by the fourteenth-century treasure revealer Orgyen Lingpa (o rgyan gling pa, b. 1323). By the time of this biography, the legends of Padmasambhava were well established in Tibet, his role within the Nyingma tradition's treasure tradition clearly predominant.

According to these accounts, Padmasambhava was born amidst miraculous circumstances and grew up a prince in Oḍḍiyāna, in the modern-day Swat Valley, Pakistan. As a youth, the prince turns to tantric practice, and before long, the local people force his father, the king, to send him into exile. Padmasambhava then travels around India, receiving teachings and practicing in sacred charnel grounds. Eventually he arrives in Yanglesho, where he gathers the texts of Vajrakīlāya, ends a drought by defeating some troublesome local spirits, and gains realization. While in Nepal, he receives King Tri Songdetsen's invitation and proceeds to Tibet, where he battles a now much-expanded series of local Tibetan spirits, helps to establish Samye, and leaves while pronouncing many ominous prophecies regarding the future of Buddhism in Tibet.

Of note in these later accounts are the master's involvements with the princess Yeshe Tsogyel (ye shes mtsho rgyal), as well as his concealment of various treasures for discovery by later reincarnations of his twenty-five principal disciples (rje 'bangs nyer lnga). Scores of Padmasambhava biographies have been produced as treasure texts, each adding new material to his rich biographical tradition, and as place is so often central to the revelation of treasure, countless religious sites that the eighth-century master is believed to have visited are scattered across today’s Tibetan Plateau.

In the later treasure traditions, e.g. that of Guru Chowang (gu ru chos dbang, 1212-1270), Padmasambhava is depicted as having eight manifestations (gu ru mtshan brgyad), each of which reflect a different aspect of the master's miraculous activities: Shākya Sengge (shAkya seng ge), Padmasambhava, Nyima Wozer (nyi ma 'od zer), Sengge Dradrok (seng ge sgra sgrog), Dorje Drolo (rdo rje gro lod), Tsokye Dorje (mtsho skyes rdo rje), Pema Gyelpo (padma rgyal po), and Loden Chokse (blo ldan mchog sras). These eight manifestations are frequently depicted in art both individually and as a group, and some, such as Dorje Drolo, have developed into popular deities with liturgical traditions of their own.

Through these means, Padmasambhava has become central to the treasure traditions of the Nyingma School. This is quite unlike the traditions witnessed prior to the fourteenth century, when Vimalamitra and other masters often served as the original teachers of revealed treasure, and, of course, within the treasures of the Bon religion. Whereas early Bon texts tend to depict the master negatively, as an enemy of their traditions, later writings of the New Bon (bon gsar) sometimes claim him as one of their own, adding further Bon interpretations of his birth, episodes in Zhangzhung, and so on to their renditions of the master’s biography.

Jacob Dalton is Khyentse Foundation Distinguished University Professor in Tibetan Buddhism at the University of California, Berkeley.

Published June 2014

Updated June 2015 and October 2024


Barawa Kagyu Refuge Field

Nineteenth century (likely made after 1829) painting from Drumpa Monastery in southern Tibet near the border of Bhutan depicts the Mountain Dharma Trilogy transmission of Yanggonpa. The painting portrays Kagyu masters including lineages of the Barawa subsect of the Drukpa Kagyu. Annotations and analysis courtesy of Dr. Marlene Erschbamer.

Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje

This 19th century painting depicts the central figure of Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje with previous Nyingma masters above. 

Jikten Gonpo with the First Chungtsang and the Second Chetsang

This sixteenth century painting shows the Drigung founder, Jikten Gonpo, with two men who stood at the beginning of the two main incarnation lines at monastery, the Drigung Chetsang and the Drigung Chungtsang.

Karma Kagyu Refuge Field

Karma Kagyu Field of Accumulation painting with the Fifteenth Karmapa, Kakyab Dorje, as the last lineage holder at the time of the compositions creation.

Machik Labdron and Chod Refuge Field

Mid-20th century painting of Machik Labdron and the Chod refuge field displaying teachers and deities. 


The style of this painting is known as tshal thang, a red background with fine gold lines forming the shapes of the subject deities. Only the eyes are filled with white and black pigments.


An early image of Padmasambhava with Nyangrel Nyima Ozer and masters of various traditions, including Padampa Sanggye.


This eighteenth century painting features Padmasambhava surrounded by his consorts Yeshe Tsogyel and Mandarava. Below are Śāntarakṣita  and Trisong Detsen. 

Padmasambhava - Guru Drakpo

This 20th century painting depicts Padmasambhava in wrathful form as Guru Dragpo, in the treasure tradition of Padmasambhava biographer Nyangrel Nyima Ozer.

Padmasambhava as Pema Jungne

A nineteenth century painting of Padmasambhava as Pema Jungne depicts his disciple Sokpo Pelgyi Yeshe in the lower left corner. 

Padmasambhava as Sengge Dradok

This Nyingma painting of Padmasambhava as Sengge Dradok shows Yeshe Tsogyel in the lower right corner.

Padmasambhava with Drigung Kagyu Refuge Field

This late eighteenth or early twentieth century Drigung Kagyu painting of Padmasambhava and the Drigung Kagyu refuge field is associated with a terma tradition of Rinchen Puntsok. Drigung Monastery is pictured along the bottom of the painting along with Terdrom on the left edge. A nearby treasure site is shown adjacent to Terdrom.

Padmasambhava with Jigme Lingpa and Disciples

This 18th century painting depicts Padmasambhava as a monk surrounded by several disciples and Jigme Lingpa above his head.

Rahula and Retinue

Rahula, wrathful protector of the the treasure tradition, is depicted with various masters in a nineteenth century painting from Kham. 

Rigdzin Kunzang Sherab

An 18th century painting of Rigdzin Kunzang Sherab, the founder of Pelyul monastery, surrounded by deities and Nyingma masters.

Wangdu Nyingpo and other masters

Wangdu Nyinpo was the Twenty-ninth Sakya Tridzin. This painting gives visual representation to his previous incarnations, which include Padmasambhava, and some of his disciples.


Bischoff, F. A. 1978. "Padmasambhava est-il un personnage historique?" In Proceedings of the Csoma de Koros Symposium, pp. 27-33. Louis Ligeti, ed. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado.

Bischoff, F. A., and Charles Hartman. 1971. "Padmasambhava's Invention of the Phur-bu: Ms. Pelliot Tibetain 44." In Etudes tibetaines dediees a la memoire de Marcelle Lalou, pp. 11-27. Paris: Adrien Maisonneuve.

Blondeau, A.M. 1980. "Analysis of the biographies of Padmasambhava according to Tibetan tradition: classification of sources." In Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson, pp. 45-52. Michael Aris and Aung San Suu Kyi, eds. Warminster: Aris and Philips.

Cantwell, Cathy, and Robert Mayer. 2012. A Noble Noose of Methods: The Lotus Garland Synopsis: A Mahāyoga Tantra and its Commentary. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Cantwell, Cathy and Robert Mayer. 2013. “Representations of Padmasambhava in Early Post-Imperial Tibet.” In Tibet after Empire: Culture, Society and Religion between 850-1000, pp. 19-50. Lumbini, Nepal: Lumbini International Research Institute.

Dalton, Jacob. 2004. "The Early Development of the Padmasambhava Legend in Tibet: A Study of IOL Tib J 644 and Pelliot tibétain 307."Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 124, no. 4, pp. 759-772.

Hirshberg, Daniel. 2016. Remembering the Lotus-Born: Padmasambhava in the History of Tibet's Golden Age. Sommerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.

Karmay, Samten. 1988. The Great Perfection. Leiden: Brill, pp. 137-138.

Tsogyal, Yeshe. 1999. The Lotus-Born: The Life Story of Padmasambhava. Translated by Erik Pema Kunsang. Boston: Shambala Publications.

Tsogyal, Yeshe. 1978. The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava. Translated into French by Gustav-Charles Toussaint; translated into English by Kenneth Douglas and Gwendolyn Bays. Berkeley: Dharma Publishing.

Wangdu, Pasang and Hildegard Diemberger. 2000. dBa' bzhed: The Royal Narrative concerning the bringing of the Buddha's Doctrine to Tibet. Vienna: Verlag der Österrichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Zangpo, Ngawang. 2002. Guru Rinpoché: His Life and Times. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications.

A list of Tibetan biographies of Padmasambhava on TBRC is here.

View this person’s associated Works & Texts on the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center’s Website.