The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 2 biographies.

... While in jail, he became the root guru of the Eighth Garchen, Konchok Gyeltsen (mgar chen 08 dkon mchog rgyal mtshan, b.1936), an important Drigung lineage holder who currently travels widely; and gave Dzogchen instructions to the Eighth Adeu Rinpoche (a lde'u 08, 1931-2007), a Drukpa Kagyu lineage holder ...

Read more from the biography of Khenpo Munsel

His incarnations include Tsasum Terdak Lingpa (rtsa gsum gter bdag gling pa), Gya Zhangtrom Dorje Obar (rgya zhang khrom rdo rje 'od 'bar), Orgyen Drime Kunga (o rgyan dri med kun dga'), Terton Barwai Dorje (gter ston 'bar ba'i rdo rje) and the twentieth century lama Trulzhig Adeu Drubrik Kyuchog ('khrul zhig a lde'u 08 grub rigs khyu mchog). ...

Read more from the biography of Nubchen Sanggye Yeshe