Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen ('dul 'dzin grags pa rgyal mtshan) was born in Drangyul (sbrang yul), in U in 1374. A Kadampa monk, he was a main disciple of Tsongkhapa Lobzang Drakpa (tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa, 1357-1419) and Gyeltsab Darma Rinchen (rgyal tshab dar ma rin chen, 1364-1432). He was regarded by some followers of the Geluk tradition as one of the Je Yabsesum (rje yab sras gsum), the three main disciples of Tsongkhapa, until he was displaced by Khedrub Gelek Pelzang (mkhas grub rje dge legs dpal bzang, 1385-1438).
He ordained with Drigung Choje ('bri gung chos rje, d.u.) and studied also with Drigung Kutok Nyernyipa ('bri gung sku thog nyer gnyis pa, d.u.). He later studied Vinaya at Draktsen (brag tshan), and mastered the complete works of Buton Rinchen Drub (bu ston rin chen grub, 1290-1364).
Tsongkhapa praised Drakpa Gyeltsen for his strict mastery of the monastic codes. He is known for his writing on the Vinaya as well as on the Sarvadurgatipariśodhana tantra. Most of his known compositions are currently unaccounted for.
Drakpa Gyeltsen founded the monastery of Tsunmo Tsel (btsun mo tshal) in Taktse Dzong (stag rtse rdzong), in U. He was also possibly the founder of Meldro Chakar Monastery (mal gro cha dkar) -- that monastery's founder is named Lhazik (lha gzigs) Drakpa Gyeltsen, a close disciple of Tsongkhapa.
His students numbered all of the most important Geluk lamas of his day. Among them were Jamyang Choje Tashi Pelden ('jam dbyangs chos rje bkra shis dpal ldan, 1379-1449), the founder of Drepung Monastery ('bras spungs).
Anon. 1984-1997. 'Dul 'dzin grags pa rgyal mtshan gyi lo rgyus nyung bsdus/?bod rgya shan sbyar/ mi rigs dpe mdzod khang /?. In Mi rigs dpe mdzod khang gi dpe tho las gsung 'bum skor gyi dkar chag shes bya'i gter mdzod, vol. 2, pp. 460-461. Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang.TBRC W19837.
Anon. 2005. 'Dul 'dzin grags pa rgyal mtshan du skyes pa'i rabs kyi le'u. In Zla ba rgyal mtshan sku phreng rim byon gyi rnam thar. Beijing: Krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang, pp. 50-53.TBRC W2CZ7868.
Grags pa 'byung gnas and Rgyal ba blo bzang mkhas grub. 1992. Gangs can mkhas grub rim byon ming mdzod. Lanzhou: Kan su'u mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 886-887.
Mi nyag mgon po, et. al. 1996-2000. 'Dul 'dzin grags pa rgyal mtshan gyi rnam thar mdor bsdus (1374-1434). In Gangs can mkhas dbang rim byon gyi rnam thar mdor bsdus, vol. 1, pp. 177-179. Beijing: Krung go'i bod kyi shes rig dpe skrun khang.TBRC W25268.
Tshe mchog gling yongs ’dzin ye shes rgyal mtshan. 1970 (1787).Byang chub lam gyi rim pa’i bla ma brgyud pa’i rnam par thar pa rgyal mtshan mdzes pa’i rgyan mchog phul byung nor bu’i phreng ba. New Delhi: Ngawang Gelek Demo. Vol 1, pp. 822 ff.
Ye shes rgyal mtshan. 198?'Dul 'dzin grags pa rgyal mtshan gyi rnam thar. In Lam rim bla ma brgyud pa'i rnam thar, vol. 1, pp. 541-546. 'Bar khams: Rnga khul bod yig rtsom sgyur cus.TBRC W2DB4613.