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This person is mentioned in 2 biographies.

In 1841, when she was nineteen years old, her family arranged for her to marry Tsewang Rabten (tshe dbangs rab brtan), the king of Trokyab (khro skyabs), the most powerful of the eighteen kingdoms in Gyarong based in the capital city of Mutri Pelek (dmu khrid dpal legs) ...

Read more from the biography of Khaying Drolma

... While her niece Khaying Drolma, who had only recently married the king of Trokyab, Tsewang Rabten (khro skyabs rgyal po tshe dbang rab brtan), was succumbing to what appears to have been an incurable illness, Losel Drolma traveled to Mutri Pelek (dmu khri dpal legs) in Trokyab (khro skyabs) multiple times to be with her and to perform healing rites on her behalf.[27] After Khaying Drolma passed away in 1854, Losel Drolma maintained a patron-priestess relationship (yon mchod) with the king, returning to Trokyab several times to perform religious rituals for him.[28] ...

Read more from the biography of Losel Drolma