The Treasury of Lives

Jean Luc Achard is a researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Paris and editor of the Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines.

Published April 2010


Anonymous. 2005.Rje bla ma nges pa don gyi mnga' bdag yongs 'dzin slob dpon bstan 'dzin rnam dag rin po che mchog gis bstan 'gro'i don du rgyal sras g.yung drung sems dpa'i mdzad bzang bskyangs nas bgrang bya bcu phrag brgyad la phebs pa'i bar gyi mdzad rnam rags bsdus. Kathmandu: Triten Norbutse.

Slob dpon bstan 'dzin rnam dag. 2008.Yongs 'dzin tshul khrims rgyal mtshan gyi rnam thar gyi mjug 'phro. InSman ri'i yongs 'dzin slob dpon bstan 'dzin rnam dag rin po che'i gsung 'bum, vol. 11, pp. 2-8. Chengdu: Si khron dpe skrun tshogs pa.

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