The Treasury of Lives

Tibet Heritage Fund

The former mansion of the Yabzhi Sampho or Samdrub Podrang family, this was a three storey stone building in the Jokhang area. The Sampho manor house was the Lhasa residence of the family of the Seventh Dalai Lama; the family's primary residence was Samdrub Podrang Palace in the Zangri Valley. Built in the seventeenth century, the Sampho building is still extant.





Alexander, André. 2018. The traditional Lhasa house: typology of an endangered species. Chicago: Serindia, pp. 86-89.

Petech, Luciano. 1973. Aristocracy and government in Tibet, 1728-1959. Roma: Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, pp. 32-39.


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